Feb 17, 2023Liked by Ishani

My week was "normal." I went to physical therapy twice and Yoga once. At my Monday therapy I gave Janet - whom I like a spider plant & Valentines card signed, Fondly, Wayne. For her & the staff I brought dark chocolate raisins. Today it has been getting colder - dropping temperature, blustery/cold winds. Now it is lightly snowing. This week I have: worked through papers, planted or transplanted flowers, have begun reading a book on living the creative life, 2 novels & a non-fiction book on a man who escaped from Auschwitz, and attempting to get the apartment back into working order. As I experienced last year, I notice time is speeding along & I am getting nada done of importance. I will likely go to see a friend at Earth Fare this weekend & it will seem as if I were there like yesterday. I have taken art-related items to Cheap Joe's Art Supplies. I bought an 18X24 pad of newsprint there. I haven't begun collages on it. JUST FEAR. I need to get back to creating.

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Oh wow! It all sounds pretty cool!!! I love spider plants! I understand the fear! Once you move from zero to a “little something” one realize it’s actual a huge step! Keep us posted about your collages and have an amazing, magical weekend!!

Thanks for sharing 🙏🏻

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Lost my reply. Maybe I can retrieve it tomorrow.

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No, one can't return to Moment One. It occurred. It is gone. Moments are fleeting. Trying to is not of the Present Moment. Not being present is either saddness (clinging to the Past) or anxiety (worrying about the future).

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I love the flowing green "plant" painting 🎨

Well, I apparently lost my reply on my weekend. The best of it: Yesterday I began breaking my art-makng impasse by taking about 65 photos in part of Asheville's arts district. I also talked with gallery volunteer about 2 ways to work on photos: Encaustic & image transfers. I shot freely - hopefully, without an agenda. I have been photographing 3 streets over these last 3 years. I am considering basing my upcoming display on them. I slipped into a groove of imaging shadows, reflections and closeups. I have figured out 1 way I am avoiding the collages: I keep gathering materials. Honestly, I have more than enough. I keep looking for the "best" word, image or other content. After I wrote about the possibly very personal collages, I certainly uncovered the emotion: Shame.

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Hi. Yesterday I went out to photograph. I took about 65 images on 3 streetsml in part of our arts district. Doing so helped in breaking my creative blocks. I had a great chat with a volunteer/employee in a small gallery. We talked about encaustic processes and image transfers for my images. The gallery has classes. Over the weekend I thought some about my blocks. I keep gathering material from publications. I avoiding making art!

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